Meet the Residents

Yigal Shapira - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
All my life, I lived in single-story, ground-level homes with a garden, at most two-family homes. After I retired, I was looking for assisted living in one-story, ground-level housing with a garden. Through my services as a member of the board of “Amutat Dayarei Diyur Mugan” (The Assisted Living Tenants Association), I knew about the existence of Bayit Bakfar Hof Kinneret. Luckily, when we arrived, my children and I saw the place “Villa” 629 right after its previous residents left. We immediately announced that I wanted to live in this villa, and I’ve been living here already for almost four years.

Shoshana Yeluz - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
After 7 years of feeding my mother, I knew clearly that I did not want to become a burden on my children. I knew that assisted living was the right solution.

Fanny Rotem - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
After finishing about 10 years as chairman of the South American department at WIZO Netanya, I suddenly found myself with nothing to do. I realized I needed a change and started exploring the possibility of transitioning to assisted living. This was the best decision for me.
I love how my days are full of activity. Plus, Bayit Bakfar’s staff are like a second family to me.

Edna Shalev - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
My favorite part of Bayit Bakfar is the many options to choose from available here. The option to choose whether to be with people or alone. The option to choose from a variety of activities.

Hanan and Gloria Bodenheimer - Bayit Bakfar Residents
Our house became too big for us. We decided that we needed a change and we’re happy about that. We love the range of activities and the parties during the holidays and other events.

Natan Bachar - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
My wife and I used to live in Haifa. We chose a house in the village of Bitan Aharon because we wanted to live closer to our children. From my perspective, it was a very smart decision. I enjoy everything the home has to offer.

Naomi Shkolnik - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
I’ve been living at Bayit Bakfar for about 5 years and I enjoy all their activities, from trips to classes, lectures, and concerts. Above all, I enjoy the great people here and the dedicated staff.

Sarah Recht - A Bayit Bakfar Resident in the village
I’ve been living at Bayit Bakfar Hadarim already for 5.5 years. I used to run a social activities club for adults and it was clear to me that when the time came it would be the right solution for me. This was especially true in light of the fact that I lived in a big house and taking care of it took up a lot of energy.

Shaul Lilach - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
We came to Bayit Bakfar from Jerusalem. Throughout our lives together, we made sure to adopt dogs, and they became a part of our family. Today, our beloved dog Muma lives with us at Bayit Bakfar.
In fact, we decided to live at Bayit Bakfar thanks to Muma. We visited dozens of places, and the first question we asked was if it was possible to bring animals. Only at Bayit Bakfar was the answer yes. In retrospect, it was the perfect match.

Yehuda and Malka Argaz - Bayit Bakfar Residents
At first, we were excited about the size of the apartment and the view. Later on, we also liked the type of people we saw here. There is a family atmosphere here. In addition, there isn’t a dull moment – we’re busy from morning to evening with social gatherings, classes and more.

Rachel Ashkenazi - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
I really liked the rural location of the house, especially given the view from the apartment’s balcony. I am very satisfied in all respects: the attitude and service of the staff, the cultural experience, and the activities that fill up hours of leisure time. I run a Canasta class, which brings me satisfaction and enjoyment.

רות פילדרווסר - דיירת בית בכפר
After my husband passed away, I started thinking about assisted living. I didn’t want to be lonely, and the fact that I lived in Tzur Yigal, a rather secluded place, only reinforced this thought. Another consideration was my need to live in a protected environment. In addition, I wanted to be in a place that would allow me full employment. I finally chose Bayit Bakfar in Kfar Saba. First, because it is a small and intimate place, and it suited me. The location also suited me, since my son currently lives in Tzur Yigal and I wanted to be close to him. I most love everything Bayit Bakfar offers that has to do with art – creation and painting, drama class, the choir, and all the physical activity classes, which I never miss. I also learned that there is a great staff here, who gave me a lot of encouragement and support when I was going through a hard time. There is no doubt that Bayit Bakfar is my home, in every way.

Rachel Ron - A Bayit Bakfar Resident
I felt lonely in the big house where I lived and I also wanted personal security. I finally chose to live at Bayit Bakfar in Kfar Saba, thanks to the beautiful apartment, the atmosphere and what the place offers. There are a lot of things to do here. I love gymnastics classes and activities. I mainly love the movie theater and the lectures on different countries in the world. I also really love to read. The thing I love the most about Bayit Bakfar is the people, who received me very warmly. The staff is just wonderful.Bayit Bakfar is a home for me in every way.